Thursday, January 17, 2013

Review: Chance Encounters


Title: Chance Encounters
By: J. Sterling 
Formats: Ebook & Paperback  
Published: April 16. 2012 

Caroline Weber was a normal girl who thought she had her life figured out. After graduating college in New York, she moved to San Francisco with her boyfriend, Clay. Everything in her life felt perfect. There wasn't anything she would change... 

...until she met Jackson Parks. 
Is it possible that a chance meeting with a stranger can make you question EVERYTHING you thought you wanted? Caroline tries to carry on with her life as if nothing has changed...but the truth is, nothing can ever be the same.

Chance Encounters is an emotional love story about trusting and following your heart, even when it's leading you down a difficult path.

Sometimes other hearts have to break in order to keep yours intact.



I decided to pick up this book by J. Sterling after reading her first book "In Dreams", which I loved by the way! Anyways, I finally got around to reading this one over the holiday season while I was traveling and I loved it just as much as her last book! Especially since I'm a firm believer of love at first sight and soul mates this story really drew me in!

I adored Caroline! She's very likable and easy to connect with. She thinks she has her life all figured out, she's got a steady job and the "perfect" boyfriend. Then life as she knows it changes when she gets on a plane and meets Jackson. We get to see her emotions at their highest and I can't help but feel her pain when she's trying to make a decision between Clay and Jackson.

Clay is Caroline's boyfriend and he is amazing! He's the guy we all dream of having. He's very driven to be successful at his job and wants to give Caroline the life she always wanted. Then there is Jackson Parks! Of course I love Jackson! The connection she has with him is like nothing she's ever felt before. What do you do when you have any amazing guy at home but he doesn't give you the same deep, emotional connection as this stranger you just met. Caroline is going to have to make a choice and she knows either way someone is going to get hurt in the end.

Overall this book is a great easy read and I recommend it! Unless you are sensitive to story lines about cheating, in that case you may want to steer clear of this one. Even though there is no physical cheating there is still some emotion feelings going on. It's not something that bothers me much because of the way Caroline handles it in the story. It's an emotional roller coaster so if you decide to pick it up, enjoy the ride!




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